Daigo Umehara's Event Schedule 2015

- Canada Cup's Master Series [January 9-11]
- 5th Niconico Shotenkaigi [January 18]
- Yonpahi radio show [January 23]
- 6th Niconico Shotenkaigi [January 25]
- Taipei Game Show [Jan 31]
- Tokaigi 2015 [Feb 1]

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Mago wins GGO #2

Mago defeated Daigo Umehara 10-3 to win GODSGARDEN Online #2. He received 500,000 yen prize money and Super Street Fighter IV Xbox Live title "Tenka Fubu" from Capcom. Umehara, who won 10 out of 11 matches from the first stage, only finished in 5th place.

I forgot to see the viewers around the end but it's surely more than 17,500. This does not include 1,500 viewers on KSK's mirror and probably 1,000+ in an unofficial stream. Anyway, it's the most viewers in a single Street Fighter match.

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